"OLD STONE CHURCH" In these unsettling days we want to keep you informed about how we can be in ministry for one another and our community. With this in mind, we are focusing in on four major initiatives during this COVID19 social distancing season. They are:
Worship Group Gatherings 24/7 Prayer Giving Each of these areas helps those of us who call CCUMC our spiritual home to stay connected to Jesus and one another as well as engage in meaningful, life-transforming ministry in our community and world. |
A fresh start for a new year! Now is a good time to begin some spiritual decluttering. One of the wonderful things about each new year is that it brings with it a sense of a new beginning, 365 days of promise and possibility. ![]() Recommended Scripture:
Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 We survived 2020, and while there might still be lingering effects of the pandemic and the unrest, it is time to embrace a new possibility, a new hope. The heavens have been torn open. But this isn’t a threat; it’s a promise of something new. Let us commit ourselves to a closer walk with Christ. Join us in the Sanctuary - THIS SUNDAY!
or, Via Facebook Live @ 10 a.m. Sunday or on YouTube! the following Monday. |
There will be no in-person worship through April 16, 2020.
Online Worship Options We wanted to give you an update about the worship gatherings of CCUMC. As you know the CDC has asked that we not gather in groups of more than 10 people. With this in mind, we will continue to suspend meeting in person and instead want to offer some options for staying connected to the WORD. HOW TO WORSHIP... |
Regarding group gatherings:
All in-person small groups, administrative meetings, Bible studies, and activities are cancelled. Please maximize social media and other online communication methods. If you would like to set up a "group call" to connect by phone with your group, please let us know and we will assist. Please call our use the CONTACT FORM |
We deeply sense that God is calling us to pray and to not live in fear and anxiety in the coming days and months.
Remember Colossians 1:27. It is CHRIST in US that is the hope of glory. Let us take heart and cling to His promises in the face of fear and uncertainty, and anchor our souls in the promises found throughout scripture. His love never fails. His goodness and mercy are running after us. BIBLE STUDY & MORE... |
If you have the ability to give to the ministries of CCUMC, we invite you to do so with generous hearts.
Although our offices are closed, Pastor Tony is available by phone and the Lord's Pantry Emergency Food Bank is still available for those in need. We are aware that some members of our community have lost their job and income because of this crisis, that is why those of us who have the ability to give, do so with generous hearts. MORE... |
Sharing the Love of Christ through acts of charity, compassion, and service.

Caliente Community United Methodist Church; P O Box 544; 140 Tennille Street; Caliente, NV 89008